2022 Open House Donors
We would like to thank all those who joined us this summer to celebrate the retirement of Bob & Lori Dressel after 30 years of dedicated service and ministry. We are grateful for the help of our Board of Directors, LSM Staff, and volunteers for a wonderful 2nd Annual ‘Making a Difference Award’ ceremony and Open House.
La Salle Manor would like to express our sincere appreciation to the following donors who combined to contribute more than $10,000 for LSM. Because of your generosity we are able to share the Lasallian mission and charism with so many others:
We look forward to celebrating with new and old friends at our 3rd Annual Open House in July 2023.
Platinum Donors ($1000+)
Casey & Mary McCarthy
Maraya & Paul Steadman
Nancy Rita Kaz
Pam Jesse
Wayne & Mary Ann Draudt
Gold Donors ($500-999)
Jeanette Mines
Joan Williams
Robert Kuang
Susan Wood O’Leary
Silver Donors ($250-499)
Br. Armand Alcazar
Br. James Murphy
Dan & Sarah Dowling
James Michels
John & Kelly McAuliffe
Kelly & Sally McCarthy
Michael Kelliher
Bronze Donors (Up to $249)
Barbara Mackey
Bill & Marge Stiefbold
Br. James Gaffney
Chris Englert
Colleen & William Maloney-Stoll
Debra Pacelli
Greg & Julie Ann Thomas
James & Paula Paolella
James & Susan Ceplecha
Mary Meeds
Michael & Judy Frigo
Robert Ortbal
Robert Schwendau
Scott & Cheri Hill
Sean & Valerie Michels
Thomas & Cathi Hogan